Lr. Mchargue et al., Geomagnetic modulation of the late Pleistocene cosmic-ray flux as determined by Be-10 from Blake Outer Ridge marine sediments, NUCL INST B, 172, 2000, pp. 555-561
The cosmic-ray flux incident upon the Earth during the late Pleistocene, 20
-60 kyr B.P., was studied by measuring the cosmogenic radionuclide Be-10 fr
om a marine sediment core at site CH88-10P on the Blake Outer Ridge. The pa
leointensity of the geomagnetic field for this core was determined by vario
us methods. The Variance in the concentration of Be-10 in the authigenic fr
action of the sediments from Blake Ridge closely correlates with the invers
e of the variance in the paleointensity of the geomagnetic field. The Be-10
signal lags, up to 1000 years of sedimentation, the measured paleointensit
y of the sediments. In contrast, the data from several other elements, some
climatically sensitive, and from beryllium show relationship neither to Be
-10 nor to the paleomagnetic data. The relationship between Be-10 concentra
tion and the dipole held intensity (M/M-o) as measured in the sediments is
consistent with theoretical models. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All righ
ts reserved.