Research has shown that auditory speech recognition is influenced by the ap
pearance of a talker's face, but the actual nature of this visual informati
on has yet to be established. Here, we report three experiments that invest
igated visual and audiovisual speech recognition using color, gray-scale, a
nd point-light talking faces (which allowed comparison with the influence o
f isolated kinematic information). Auditory and visual forms of the syllabl
es /ba/, /bi/, /ga/, /gi/, /va/, and /vi/ were used to produce auditory, vi
sual, congruent, and incongruent audiovisual speech stimuli. Visual speech
identification and visual influences on identifying the auditory components
of congruent and incongruent audiovisual speech were identical for color a
nd gray-scale faces and were much greater than for point-light faces. These
results indicate that luminance, rather than color, underlies visual and a
udiovisual speech perception and that this information is more than the kin
ematic information provided by point-light faces. Implications for processi
ng visual and audiovisual speech are discussed.