It is shown that if the size distribution of the nuclei formed during phase
transition is a fractal cluster, then the spatial distribution of the elec
tric field in the cluster is highly inhomogeneous. Electric field is accumu
lated in small scales, and its strength grows according to the power law fr
om larger scales to smaller scales. When the dielectric permeability of the
nuclei is much larger than that of the surrounding medium, the electric fi
eld grows as E proportional to3(k), where k is a number of the nucleus in t
he fractal cluster with the sizes a1 much greater than a2 much greater than
a3...much greater than ak. We determined the work of formation of the nucl
ei in the fractal cluster taking into account the change of the configurati
on of electric field E. It is demonstrated that the formation of fractal cl
usters leads to the dynamics of a phase transition with bifurcations, where
by the growth of a nucleus causes the formation of the new nuclei.