In this paper, we present more general, exact, and concise expressions for
calculating the electromagnetic density of modes (EDOM) in one dimension ph
otonic crystal (superlattice) for E and H polarizations. The expression is
used for numerical computation of the EDOM in the lower-index (dielectric c
onstant) layer. We discuss the difference between the EDOM in high- and low
-index layers as due to the presence of waveguiding modes and evanescent-ex
cited Bloch modes in the higher-index layer. Two methods of computation are
presented to compute the EDOM in the lower-index layer. We suggest the pos
sibility of using the EDOM to establish population inversion, which may be
useful for higher-frequency lasers (e.g., x rays) and control any radiative
processes. We also elaborate on the limitations of the results of Alvarado
Rodriguez ct al. as due to the approximation used in the evaluation of par
tial derivative omega/partial derivativek(y,z) for del (k)omega and comment
on the Limitations of the one-dimensional EDOM expression of Bendickson et