The dynamical properties of a three-dimensional model glass, the frustrated
Ising lattice gas (FILG), are studied by Monte Carlo simulations. We prese
nt results of compression experiments, where the chemical potential is eith
er slowly or abruptly changed, as well as simulations at constant density.
One time quantities like density and two time quantities like correlations,
responses, and mean square displacements are measured, and the departure f
rom equilibrium clearly characterized. The aging scenario, particularly in
the case of density autocorrelations, is reminiscent of spin glass phenomen
ology with violations of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, typical of sy
stems with one replica symmetry breaking. The FILG, as a valid on-lattice m
odel of structural glasses, can be described with tools developed in spin g
lass theory and, being a finite-dimensional model, can open the way for a s
ystematic study of activated processes in glasses.