We study a recently proposed nonlinear evolution equation describing the co
llective step meander on a vicinal surface subject to the Bales-Zangwill gr
owth instability [O. Pierre-Louis et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 4221 (1998)]
. A careful numerical analysis shows that the dynamically selected step pro
file consists of sloped segments, given by an inverse error function and st
eepening as roott, which are matched to pieces of a stationary (time-indepe
ndent) solution describing the maxima and minima. The effect of smoothening
by step-edge diffusion is included heuristically, and a one-parameter fami
ly of evolution equations is introduced that contains relaxation by step-ed
ge diffusion and by attachment-detachment as special cases. The question of
the persistence of an initially imposed meander wavelength is investigated
in relation to recent experiments.