Blood and blood products are irradiated with gamma rays to reduce the risk
of graft versus host disease (GVHD). A simple technique using electron beam
s produced by a medical linear accelerator has been studied to evaluate irr
adiation of blood and blood products. Variations in applied doses for a sin
gle field 20 MeV electron beam are measured in a phantom study. Doses have
been verified with ionization chambers and commercial diode detectors. Resu
lts show that the blood product volume can be given a relatively homogeneou
s dose to within 6% using 20 MeV electrons without the need to rotate the b
lood bags or the beam entry point. The irradiation process takes approximat
ely 6.5 minutes for 30 Gy applied dose to complete as opposed to 12 minutes
fora dual field x-ray field irradiation at our centre. Electron beams can
be used to satisfactorily irradiate blood and blood products in a minimal a
mount of time.