Damage to the microvascular networks constitutes one of the most important
components of ionizing radiation damage to normal tissue, Previously, we ha
ve reported the early (3, 7 and 30 days postirradiation) effects of ionizin
g radiation on the structure and function of normal tissue microvascular ne
tworks, Here we report on the late effects of ionizing radiation on the str
uctural and functional changes in microvascular networks in locally irradia
ted (single 10-Gy dose) hamster cremaster muscles observed 60, 120 and 180
days postirradiation; age-matched animals were used as controls. As in the
previous study, intravital microscopy was used to measure structural and fu
nctional parameters in complete microvascular networks in vivo. A factorial
design was used to examine the effects of radiation status, time postirrad
iation, and network vessel type on the structure and function of microvascu
lar networks. Our results indicate that the progression of radiation-induce
d microvascular damage continues during the late times but that there is pa
rtial recovery from radiation damage within 6 months postirradiation, Red b
lood cell flux, red blood cell velocity, and capillary blood flow in irradi
ated networks at 180 days postirradiation were significantly greater than c
ontrol levels. As at the early times, all vessel types were not damaged equ
ally by radiation at every time. (C) 2000 by Radiation Research Society.