The discrepancy arises in the worst-case error analysis for quasi-Monte Car
lo quadrature rules. Low discrepancy sets yield good quadrature rules. This
article considers the mean square discrepancies for scrambled (lambda, t,
m, s)-nets and (t, s)-sequences in base b. It is found that the mean square
discrepancy for scrambled nets and sequences is never more than a constant
multiple of that under simple Monte Carlo sampling. If the reproducing ker
nel defining the discrepancy satis es a Lipschitz condition with respect to
one of its variables separately, then the asymptotic order of the root mea
n square discrepancy is O(n(-1)[logn]((s-1)/2)) for scrambled nets. If the
reproducing kernel satis es a Lipschitz condition with respect to both of i
ts variables, then the asymptotic order of the root mean square discrepancy
is O(n(-3/2)[log n]((s-1)/2)) for scrambled nets. For an arbitrary number
of points taken from a (t,s)-sequence, the root mean square discrepancy app
ears to be no better than O(n(-1)[log n]((s-1)/2)), regardless of the smoot
hness of the reproducing kernel.