Diseases are often thought to result from a single cause. Although this is
sometimes the case, e.g. with a highly virulent infection such as Classical
Swine Fever (CSF), more often clinical disease in swine herds results from
multiple predisposing factors. This is especially true in modern intensive
pig husbandry, in which the role of highly infectious diseases is limited
to (nonetheless devastating) outbreaks. More important nowadays are disease
s, although associated nith an agent, without a clear pathogenesis. The emp
hasis in disease control thusfar has been on treatment, eradication and pre
vention. This has been achieved by focusing attention on husbandry factors,
such as climate, housing, hygiene, management, and nutrition. Although thi
s approach has been successful for a number of diseases, several health pro
blems are persistent. There are strong indications that in the latter, intr
insic animal factors are important. Successful handling of these problems r
equires knowledge of the (patho)physiology of the pig. In this article, sev
eral characteristics of pig physiology associated with the occurrence of di
sease are described.
It appears that the modern (fattening) pig is exceptional among other anima
l species in that its cardiovascular system is mismatched to its body weigh
t. It is argued that this particular disposition causes relatively minor di
sturbances to have major consequences in the pig. This concept of pig physi
ology is central to the understanding of the hitherto poorly understood pat
hogenesis of several diseases, such as oedema disease.