Background: Maternal phenylketonuria (PKU) is an embryo-fetal syndrome incl
uding microcephaly and various organ (mainly cardiac) defects. It is caused
by the toxicity of high phenylalanine levels in the blood from mothers wit
h PKU who usually are off diet as adults. Maternal PKU is prevented by stri
ct dietary phenylalanine restriction during pregnancy.
Patients and results: In Austria since 1967, 59 female PKU patients were bo
rn who at present time are between 16-32 years of age. We report on 11 preg
nancies from 6 women with PKU who asked for dietary treatment during pregna
ncy. 5 newborns from 5 pregnancies with good dietary control (preconception
ally and during the entire period of pregnancy) were normally developed dur
ing an up to 5 year-somatic and neurodevelopmental follow up. In one pregna
ncy dietary control was achieved only after the first 5 weeks of pregnancy,
The respective newborn had congenital heart disease, but otherwise was dev
eloped normally. 3 newborns from 1 mother who was not able to achieve dieta
ry control during the entire period of pregnancy, had typical symptoms of p
henylalanine embryofetopathy. 2 pregnancies were terminated by spontaneous
abortion despite preconceptional dietary control.
Conclusion: Preconceptional dietary balance and low blood phenylalanine lev
els are important for normal embryo-fetal development. The dietary manageme
nt of pregnant PKU women should be carried out in specialized metabolic cen
ters with experience in the treatment of PKU in close cooperation with the