The population of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients continues to grow
and to age. The nephrologist often is the sole or principal physician resp
onsible for the total management of these patients. In this role, the nephr
ologist must address issues of routine health maintenance. Screening tests
and preventive care should be continued to detect, prevent, or minimize com
orbid conditions that could affect quality of life or survival. Effective p
rimary and secondary prevention requires understanding the principles of sc
reening tests and their appropriate use. Screening and counseling procedure
s recommended for healthy adults should be continued, although certain scre
ening tests may appropriately be discontinued if the expected survival is 5
years or less.
Secondary prevention for cardiovascular disease is particularly important i
n ESRD patients, in whom accelerated atherosclerosis is often the cause of
morbidity and death. Aggressive counseling in smoking cessation and in mana
gement of hyperlipidemia should be undertaken, in the hopes of limiting thi
s common comorbidity. (C) 2000 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.