Irrigated timothy (Phleum pratense L.) hay from Saskatchewan could fill exp
ort demand for compressed hay, but basic agronomic information is lacking u
nder Saskatchewan conditions, The objective of this research was to compare
the establishment of irrigated timothy seedlings under wheat (Triticum aes
tivum L,), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multif
lorum Lam,) companion crops at two seeding rates, The ryegrass companion cr
op reduced timothy ground cover and tiller density in the year after establ
ishment, with a greater reduction in ground cover at 10 kg ha(-1) compared
with a seeding rate of 5 kg ha(-1) for the ryegrass, The ryegrass companion
crop reduced timothy first harvest and total annual dry matter (DM) produc
tion for forage by 41% compared with the control (no companion crop) while
timothy that nas established with cereal companion crops did not differ fro
m the control, Irrigated forage producers should not use annual ryegrass as
a companion crop for irrigated timothy establishment in Saskatchewan.