Atrial secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) has been shown to be r
egulated by atrial workload. Although modulating factors for the secretion
of ANP have been reported, the role for intracellular Ca2+ on the secretion
of ANP has been controversial. The purpose of the present study was to def
ine roles for L- and T-type Ca2+ channels in the regulation of ANP secretio
n in perfused beating rabbit atria. BAY K 8644 (BAY K) increased atrial str
oke volume and pulse pressure. BAY K suppressed ANP secretion and ANP conce
ntration in terms of extracellular fluid (ECF) translocation concomitantly
with an increase in atrial dynamics. BAY K shifted the relationship between
ANP secretion and ECF translocation downward and rightward. These results
indicate that BAY K inhibits myocytic release of ANP. In the continuous pre
sence of BAY K, diltiazem reversed the effects of BAY K. Diltiazem alone in
creased ANP secretion and ANP concentration along with a decrease in atrial
dynamics. Diltiazem shifted relationships between ANP secretion and atrial
stroke volume or ECF translocation leftward. The T-type Ca2+ channel inhib
itor mibefradil decreased atrial dynamics. Mibefradil inhibited ANP secreti
on and ANP concentration in contrast with the L- type Ca2+ channel inhibito
r. These results suggest that activation of L- and T-type Ca2+ channels eli
cits opposite effects on atrial myocytic release of ANP.