Known for its reliability, transoesophageal echocardiography is an investig
ation which is increasingly used in cardiology, cardiac surgery and intensi
ve care units. It is a semi-invasive investigation of which oesophageal per
fortation is a very rare but serious complication.
Two cases of oesophageal perforation after transoesophageal echocardiograph
y are reported out of a series of 87 oesophageal perforations treated betwe
en January 1981 and February 1999. In both cases, transoesophageal echocard
iography was performed in conscious patients without known pre-existing oes
ophageal pathology. The presentations were acute. Both patients underwent e
mergency surgery. One patient is alive and the other one died one month aft
er a second operation related to the perforation.
Nine cases of oesophageal perforation have been reported after transoesopha
geal echocardiography. The pathogenesis, means of prevention and treatment
of oesophageal perforation are discussed.