A search for cellular binding proteins for peptidoglycan (PGN), a CD14- and
TLR2-dependent macrophage activator from Grampositive bacteria, using PGN-
affinity chromatography and N-terminal micro-sequencing, revealed that tubu
lin was a major PGN-binding protein in mouse macrophages. Tubulin also co-e
luted with PGN from anti-PGN vancomycin affinity column and bound to PGN co
upled to agarose. Tubulin-PGN binding was preferential under the conditions
that promote tubulin polymerization, required macromolecular PGN, was comp
etitively inhibited by soluble PGN and tubulin, did not require microtubule
-associated proteins, and had an affinity of 100-150 nM. By contrast, bindi
ng of tubulin to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) had 2-3 times lower affinity, fas
ter kinetics of binding, and showed positive cooperativity. PGN enhanced tu
bulin polymerization in the presence of 4 M glycerol, but in the absence of
glycerol, both PGN and LPS decreased microtubule polymerization. These res
ults indicate that tubulin is a major PGN-binding protein and that PGN modu
lates tubulin polymerization. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights res