Background: The rubber hand illusion is a tactile sensation referred to as
an alien limb, The illusion has been explained by a spurious reconciliation
of visual and tactile inputs reflecting functional connectivity in the bl
ain and was used to explore alterations of functional connectivity in schiz
Methods: The rubber hand illusion was achieved when two paintbrushes simult
aneously stroke the hand of the subject hidden from vision by a screen, as
well as an artificial hand placed in view of the subject. The rubber hand i
llusion was assessed with a questionnaire affirming or denying the occurren
ce of the illusion.
Results: Schizophrenic subjects felt the illusion stronger and faster then
did normal control subjects. Some rubber hand illusion effects col-related
with positive symptoms of schizophrenia but not with negative symptoms,
Conclusions: Altered functional integration of environ mental inputs could
constitute the basis for erroneous interpretations of reality, such as delu
sions and hallucinations. (C) 2000 Society of Biological Psychiatry.