Many softwares have been adapted for medical use; they rarely enable conven
iently both data management and statistics. A recent cooperative work ended
zip in a new software, Sem (Statistics Epidemiology Medicine), which allow
s data management of trials and as well statistical treatments on them. Ver
y convenient, it can be used by non professional in statistics (biologists,
doctors, researchers, data managers), since usually (excepted with multiva
riate models), the software performs by itself the most adequate test, afte
r what complementary tests can be requested if needed. Sem data base manage
r (DBM) is not compatible with usual DBM: this constitutes a first protecti
on against loss of privacy Other shields; (passwords, cryptage...) strength
en data security, all the more necessary today since Sem can be run on comp
uters nets. Data organization enables multiplicity: forms can be duplicated
by patient. Dates are treated in a special but transparent manner (sorting
, date and delay calculations...). Sem communicates with common desktop sof
twares, often with a simple copy/paste. So, statistics can be easily perfor
med on data stored in external calculation sheets, and slides by pasting gr
aphs with a single mouse click (survival curves...). Already used over fift
y places in different hospitals for daily work, this product, combining dat
a management and statistics, appears to be a convenient and innovating solu