713-720. The unaided clinical diagnosis of dyspepsia is of limited value in
separating functional dyspepsia from clinically relevant organic causes of
dyspepsia (gastric and esophageal malignancies, peptic ulcer disease and c
omplicated esophagitis). The identification of one or more alarm features,
such as weight loss, dysphagia, signs of gastrointestinal bleeding, an abdo
minal mass or age over 45 years may help identify patients with a higher ri
sk of organic disease. This review summarizes the frequency of alarm sympto
ms in dyspeptic patients in different settings (such as the community, prim
ary care and specialist clinics). The prevalence of alarm features in patie
nts diagnosed with upper gastrointestinal malignancy or peptic ulcer diseas
e is described. The probability of diagnosing clinically relevant upper gas
trointestinal disease in patients presenting with alarm features and other
risk factors is discussed. Alarm features such as age, significant weight l
oss, use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, signs of bleeding and dys
phagia may help stratify dyspeptic patients and help optimize the use of en
doscopy resources.