The CL images show that the internal structures of the diamonds in Wafangdi
an, Liaoning Province is classified as three types: simple growth girdle zo
ne, multi-stage growth complex girdle zone, and rare agate-like structure.
These internal features reflect the complexity of growth processes of the d
iamonds. The FTIR analyses in micro area on diamond plates reveal the heter
ogeneity of the impurities of nitrogen and hydrogen. The variety of nitroge
n contents and nitrogen aggregation states have been revealed not only in d
ifferent diamonds from one kimberlite pipe but also in different zones of o
ne diamond. The extent of conversion A defects to the aggregated B form is
a function of the nitrogen aggregation temperature (T-NA), mantle residence
time (t(MR)), and nitrogen concentration of diamond. The interval of 0.6-0
.7Ga from core to rim of diamond growth is obtained by using the FTIR curve
s and some geological data. The long period of diamond growth is identical
with the feature in CL image.