Improvement of the process of mushroom composting is of importance in order
to provide an optimal growing medium needed for the mushroom. Since compos
ting produces a food source for the mushroom, the compositional changes of
mushroom compost occurring during the growth cycle of the button mushroom,
Agaricus bisporus, were studied. Samples were collected during spawning, ca
sing and the following four flushes. Samples were analyzed for their elemen
tal composition, carbohydrates, FTIR, C-13-NMR, pyrolysis-GC/MS and tetrame
thylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) thermochemolysis-GC/MS. The carbohydrate anal
ysis revealed a decrease in the total amount of about 40% of the identified
monosaccharides during mushroom growth. The C-13-NMR data also confirm tha
t polysaccharides are the main fraction degraded (or utilized by the mushro
oms) during the cropping period. These findings were also confirmed by chan
ges in the absorbance of functional groups observed in the FTIR spectra. Py
rolysis data revealed chromatographic peaks related to polysaccharides-, pr
oteins- and lignin-derived compounds. Both pyrolysis and TMAH thermochemoly
sis data show degradation of Lignin structures during the growth period. Li
gnin alteration primarily involved a preferential degradation of syringyl u
nits and oxidation of side chains of guaiacyl moieties. This study suggests
that the polysaccharide fraction of the mushroom substrate is the main org
anic fraction utilized during the process. In addition, alterations of lign
in structures have occurred although its relative content usually increases
during mushroom cropping.