We examined the use of Venezuelan shade-coffee plantations by the Cerulean
Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) and other Neotropical migrants. Cerulean Warble
rs were commonly observed as pairs in mixed-species hocks. Average (+/- SE)
flock size was 13 +/- 2 species with 22 +/- 3 individuals. Average flock t
erritory size was 2.5 +/- 0.2 ha. No differences were detected in foraging
behavior (maneuvers, location, or success) among adult males, adult females
, and immature birds. Adult males were often observed visiting flowers of c
anopy trees. The results of this study indicate that shade coffee plantatio
ns may provide suitable wintering habitat for Cerulean Warblers although co
mparisons with other habitats are needed.