Coronary artery bypass grafting and percutaneous transluminal coronary angi
oplasty are now well established methods of myocardial revascularization. T
he choice of a method of revascularization depends on several clinical and
angiographic parameters, Patients who derive the greatest benefit from coro
nary artery bypass grafting are those with left main coronary artery diseas
e or those with three-vessel disease with left ventricular impairment. Pati
ents with single-vessel disease achieve more symptomatic relief with corona
ry angioplasty than with medical therapy alone, but with no improvement in
long-term mortality. In nondiabetic patients with multiple-vessel disease,
angioplasty and bypass grafting likely yield similar results, and the choic
e of revascularization technique rests on weighing the more invasive nature
of bypass grafting against the need for additional future revascularizatio
ns with angioplasty, Diabetic patients with multiple-vessel disease seem to
achieve better outcomes with bypass grafting. Minimally invasive bypass su
rgery is an evolving technique. It is less invasive in nature but its appli
cations are limited, and its advantages over traditional bypass grafting ha
ve not yet been shown, Stenting now plays a major role in percutaneous reva
scularization and is performed in more than two thirds of all interventiona
l procedures. It improves both the short-term and the longterm outcomes of
coronary angioplasty. Other novel percutaneous techniques such as direction
al or rotational atherectomy, laser angioplasty, or thrombectomy devices ha
ve not shown convincing superiority over coronary angioplasty alone. Transm
yocardial laser revascularization can be performed surgically or percutaneo
usly and may be beneficial in patients with angina refractory to traditiona
l revascularization procedures. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc