Hair cell fate determination in the inner ear has been shown to be controll
ed by specific genes. Recent loss-of-function and gain-of-function experime
nts have demonstrated that Math1, a mouse homolog of the Drosophila gene at
onal, is essential for the production of hair cells. To identify genes that
may interact with Math1 and inhibit hair cell differentiation, we have foc
used on Hes1, a mammalian hairy and enhancer of split homolog, which is a n
egative regulator of neurogenesis, We report here that targeted deletion of
Hes1 leads to formation of supernumerary hair cells in the cochlea and utr
icle of the inner ear. RT-PCR analysis shows that Hes1 is expressed in inne
r ear during hair cell differentiation and its expression is maintained in
adulthood. In situ hybridization with late embryonic inner ear tissue revea
ls that Hes1 is expressed in supporting cells, but not hair cells, of the v
estibular sensory epithelium. In the cochlea, Hes1 is selectively expressed
in the greater epithelial ridge and lesser epithelial ridge regions which
are adjacent to inner and outer hair cells. Co-transfection experiments in
postnatal rat explant cultures show that overexpression of Heal prevents ha
ir cell differentiation induced by Math1. Therefore Hes1 can negatively reg
ulate hair cell differentiation by antagonizing Math1. suggest that a balan
ce between Math1 ana negative regulators such as Hes1 is crucial for the pr
oduction of an appropriate number of inner ear hair cells.