Patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome often present with seizures during the
first year of life. Currently, only patients with clinically significant se
izures who do not respond to medical treatment are candidates for early epi
leptic surgery, However, a delay of surgical treatment may result in cognit
ive deterioration. We studied the correlation between parameters and outcom
e of seizures to re-examine the criteria for early epilepsy surgery, We per
formed a retrospective chart review combined with telephone interviews of p
arents of all Israeli infants with unilateral Sturge-Weber syndrome and ear
ly onset seizures, and we examined whether age of seizure onset and seizure
intensity were correlated with cognitive level and the degree of hemipares
is at follow-up. We recruited a total of 15 patients with unilateral Sturge
-Weber syndrome and early onset seizures, five of whom underwent epilepsy s
urgery. The mean follow-up period of all the patients was 15 years: six pat
ients had normal intelligence, four had borderline cognitive level, three h
ad mild mental retardation* and two had moderate mental retardation, Eight
of the ten non-operated patients still experience seizures at follow-up, co
gnitive delay was significantly correlated with seizure intensity in the ea
rly period, but not with the age of seizures onset, the degree of hemipares
is, or the presence of ongoing seizures. We conclude that high seizure inte
nsity in young patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome is a prognostic marker f
or mental deterioration.