Results of joint campaigns of the Leonid meteoroid stream performed through
out the 1995-1999 years by the BLM (Bologna-Lecce-Modra) forward scatter (F
S) radar, are shown and compared with visual observations. In 1998 and 1999
at both the stations of Lecce and Modra, the total reflection time is show
n to give a better indication of the Leonid activity. For the two years the
trends of the reflection time and of the overdense echoes (T > 8 sec durat
ion) exhibit multiple peaks just at the maximum of the shower activity. In
1999, strong evidence of a short and extremely intense activity at the noda
l longitude of the parent comet (November 18, 02h UT), is deduced from the
radio data. The Leonid display is shown to follow a Gaussian activity profi
le and the particle density/stream width relationship is found to match obs
ervations of IRAS dust trails of comparable short-period comets. The mass d
istribution exponent shows a representation of an extended component of lar
ger particles (brighter Leonids) in 1996 and especially in 1998. Average ma
ss and population indices of radio and visual data show a similar trend in
the 1995-1999 period.