Reach-to-grasp movements of patients with pathology restricted to the cereb
ellum were compared with those of normal controls. Two types of paradigms w
ith different accuracy constraints were used to examine whether cerebellar
impairment disrupts the stereotypic relationship between arm transport and
grip aperture and whether the variability of this relationship is altered w
hen greater accuracy is required. The movements were made to either a verti
cal dowel or to a cross bar of a small cross. All subjects were asked to re
ach for either target at a fast but comfortable speed, grasp the object bet
ween the index finger and thumb, and lift it a short distance off the table
. In terms of the relationship between arm transport and grip aperture, the
control subjects showed a high consistency in grip aperture and wrist velo
city profiles from trial to trial for movements to both the dowel and the c
ross. The relationship between the maximum velocity of the wrist and the ti
me at which grip aperture was maximal during the reach was highly consisten
t throughout the experiment. In contrast, the time of maximum grip aperture
and maximum wrist velocity of the cerebellar patients was quite variable f
rom trial to trial, and the relationship of these measurements also varied
considerably. These abnormalities were present regardless of the accuracy r
equirement. In addition, the cerebellar patients required a significantly l
onger time to grasp and lift the objects than the control subjects. Further
more, the patients exhibited a greater grip aperture during reach than the
controls. These data indicate that the cerebellum contributes substantially
to the coordination of movements required to perform reach-to-grasp moveme
nts. Specifically, the cerebellum is critical for executing this behavior w
ith a consistent, well-timed relationship between the transport and grasp c
omponents. This contribution is apparent even when accuracy demands are min