A wide set of premonitory seismicity patterns is reproduced on a numerical
model of seismicity, and their performance in the prediction of major model
earthquakes is evaluated. Seismicity is generated by the colliding cascade
s model, recently developed by the authors. The model has a hierarchical st
ructure. It describes the interaction of two cascades: a direct cascade of
loading, which is applied to the top (largest) element and transfers down t
he hierarchy, and an inverse cascade of failures, which goes up the hierarc
hy, from the smaller to the larger elements. These cascades collide and int
eract: loading leads to failures, while failures release and redistribute t
he loading. Three basic types of earthquake precursors are considered: (i)
the clustering of earthquakes in space and time, (ii) the intensity of eart
hquake sequences, and (iii) the correlation distance between earthquakes. P
atterns of the first two types are used in intermediate-term earthquake pre
diction algorithms. Patterns of the third type are found in the colliding c
ascades model, although they were hypothesized previously. They have not be
en validated by observations. For each precursor, we explore what is called
an 'error diagram' showing the total duration of alarms, the rate of failu
res to predict, and the rate of false alarms.