The relations between left ventricular mass (LVM) with age, gender, body si
ze, and blood pressure were investigated in healthy adults and children fro
m 149 nuclear families. LVM was strongly correlated with overall weight, es
pecially in the children, Genetic analysis indicated that the segregation o
f LVM was compatible with an additive polygenic model, with a heritability
estimate of 34% before adjustment for weight and 28% after adjustment for w
eight, Genetic and/or familial environmental factors played a strong role i
n the correlation of LVM and weight; they accounted for all of the correlat
ion between the 2 traits in adults and 59% of the correlation in children.
Spouses exhibited a strong correlation in their weight, which suggested tha
t common family environment may contribute to the family correlations and:t
o the observed heritability of the trait, LVM was strongly correlated with
blood pressure before adjustment for weight, but this correlation could be
attributed to nonfamilial environment rather than genetic factors, After ad
justment for weight, the intertrait correlations between LVM and blood pres
sure were nonsignificant. Thus, adjustment for weight accounts for all comm
on determinants of LVM and blood pressure.