Most small valleys in the ancient highlands of Mars are probably the result
of erosion by groundwater sapping. This conclusion together with the fact
that liquid water is thermodynamically unstable on the surface of Mars toda
y is frequently used to argue that the planet was warmer in the past. The s
trength of these arguments is tested by examining the effectiveness of the
sapping mechanism under various climatic and hydrologic conditions, includi
ng aquifer permeability, aquifer temperature, sediment grain size, wind spe
ed at the surface, latitude, and obliquity. Numerical simulations of ground
water sapping under different conditions indicate that the link between the
small valleys and a warmer early martian climate is not as strong as is of
ten assumed. If water in the upper few hundred meters of the martian regoli
th had been kept above the freezing point through hydrothermal circulation
or conduction of geothermal heat, then the small martian valleys could have
formed by groundwater sapping under climatic conditions like those that pr
evail today, especially if the permeability of the martian regolith is like
that of terrestrial gravels. Geothermal warming to temperatures well above
the freezing point would have greatly facilitated sapping. The current low
-pressure atmosphere is more conducive to the sapping process (though not n
ecessarily to subsequent stream flow) than a high-pressure atmosphere that
is only slightly warmer. (C) 2000 Academic Press.