Efficient stochastic data processing presupposes proper modelling of the st
atistics of the data source. The authors address the issues that arise when
the data to be processed exhibits statistical properties which depart sign
ificantly from those implied under the Gaussianity assumption. First, they
present a study on the modelling of coefficient data obtained when applying
the wavelet transform (WT) to images. They show that WT coefficients are h
eavy-tailed and can be modelled with alpha-stable distributions. Then, they
introduce an alternative to the common mean-square error (MSE) quantiser f
or the efficient, scalar quantisation of heavy-tailed data by means of dist
ortion minimisation. The proposed quantiser is based on a particular member
of the family of alpha-stable distributions, namely the Cauchy distributio
n, and it employs a distortion measure based on the mean square root absolu
te value of the quantisation error. Results of the performance of this quan
tiser when applied to simulated as well as real data are also presented.