Noncoherent multiuser detection for nonlinear modulation was recently studi
ed and the idea of phase-independent noncoherent decorrelation was introduc
ed and three post-decorrelative detectors were obtained and analyzed. Howev
er, their implementation requires the knowledge of the signature waveforms
of all the users, which may be available only for centralized implementatio
n, In this paper, we obtain a blind adaptive noncoherent decorrelative dete
ctor for nonlinear modulation that is suitable for distributed implementati
on with the knowledge of only the normalized signals of the desired user an
d the additive noise variance. This detector is based on the stochastic app
roximation method and does not require the overhead of any kind of "trainin
g." Two adaptive algorithms are developed, one guided by every signal in th
e desired user's signal set individually, and the other by the user's entir
e signal space. While this paper focuses on the particular problem of blind
adaptive noncoherent decorrelative detection, it addresses a more general
adaptation issue, namely, that of improving convergence properties of an ad
aptive scheme by effectively using all the information that is known, and a
dapting only to the part of the desired solution that is truly unknown. Con
vergence is shown in the mean squared error sense for both the fixed step-s
ize and time-varying step-size versions of the two algorithms.