An Integrated Machine Design and Control (IMDC) environment is described th
at can improve the visual representation of machines and integrate the desi
gn of each physical machine element with the design of its associated contr
ol logic. The approach overcomes many of the problems traditionally associa
ted with the implementation of computer controlled machines, which is a pro
cess often characterized by poor verification of customer requirements, lim
ited confidence in proposed designs, minimal software re-use and difficult
system maintenance or enhancement. IMDC is a new approach to machine lifecy
cle support that embodies a highly integrated environment for system builde
rs. The approach provides much needed support for rapid prototyping, 'what-
if' analyses and enables machines to be incrementally enhanced. IMDC allows
the integration of design and control system elements from a wide range of
vendors. From a user's perspective, the two main elements of the IMDC envi
ronment are: (1) an extendible software toolset and (2) a run-time control
architecture. Underlying these elements is the IMDC integration platform th
at provides data storage, integrates and manages the user toolset and conne
cts these off-line system components to the run-time control architecture.
The interactive use of IMDC tools is explained in the context of achieving
rapid prototype machine build. Industrial applications of the IMDC approach
are described.