Our numerical model of the ring current-atmosphere coupling (RAM) is f
urther developed in order to include wave-particle interaction process
es. The model calculates the time evolution of the phase space distrib
ution function in the region from 2 R-E to 6.5 R-E, considering losses
due to charge exchange, Coulomb collisions, and plasma wave scatterin
g along ion drift paths. The spatial regions of ion cyclotron wave ins
tability are determined by calculating the convective growth rates for
electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves, integrating them along wa
ve paths, and selecting regions of maximum wave amplification The sour
ce regions are located on the duskside in agreement with the predomina
nt occurrence of EMIC waves. A spectral power density of 1 nT(2)/Hz is
adopted within the unstable regions. According to quasi-linear theory
, the fluctuating fields are regarded as imposed on the system, and th
e losses due to wave-particle interactions are described with diffusiv
e processes. The effects of the presence of heavy ion components on th
e quasi-linear diffusion coefficients are also considered. Resonance w
ith ion cyclotron waves reduce the anisotropy of the proton population
and the unstable regions disappear with time. Global patterns of prec
ipitating ion fluxes are obtained and compared with observations.