The tetrameric Mnt repressor of bacteriophage P22 consists of two dimeric D
NA-binding domains and a tetramerization domain. The NOE and chemical shift
data demonstrate that the structures of the domains in the wild-type repre
ssor protein are similar to those of the separate domains, the three-dimens
ional structures of which have been determined previously. N-15 relaxation
measurements show that the linker that connects the anti-parallel four-heli
x bundle with the two beta -sheet DNA-binding dimers is highly flexible. No
evidence was found for interactions between the distinct modules. The N-15
relaxation properties of the two domains differ substantially, confirming
their structural independence. A model in which one two-stranded coiled coi
l of the four-helix bundle is attached to one N-terminal dimer is most cons
istent with the biochemical data and N-15 relaxation data. For the Mnt-DNA
complex this geometry fits with a model in which the two beta -sheet DNA-bi
nding domains are bound at two successive major grooves of the Mnt operator
and the tetramerization domain is packed between these two DNA-bound dimer
s. In such a model the two-fold symmetry axis of the four-helix bundle coin
cides with that of the operator sequence and the two bound dimers. Bending
of the Mnt operator of approximately 30 degrees upon binding of the tetrame
r. as measured by gel-shift assays, is in agreement with this model of the
Mnt-DNA complex.