Diallelic polymorphisms have been identified in the HLA-H gene and the
ZNF192 gene located about 2 megabases centromeric to HLA-H, The three
polymorphic sites in HLA-H together with the two hemochromatosis muta
tions in this gene give rise to 8 different haplotypes, The three poly
morphic sites in ZNF192 give rise to 4 different haplotypes. The haplo
types in HLA-H are in complete linkage disequilibrium with the two com
mon mutations in that gene, 845A (C282Y) and 187G (H63D), The 845A mut
ation is in weak linkage disequilibrium with the ZNF192 polymorphisms
and the 187G mutation appears to be in equilibrium with this polymorph
ism, The 187G mutation therefore appears to be the older of the two HL
A-H mutations.