A large and heterogeneous sample of 364 homeless adolescents was interviewe
d about residential and family histories, as well as about their experience
s while homeless. They were also administered a diagnostic interview and va
rious self-report measures of emotional and behavioral functioning. Analyse
s were conducted to provide a better description of these youth, with a spe
cial focus on gender and age heterogeneity. Results of analyses suggested t
hat homeless youth came from generally troubled backgrounds and had elevate
d rates of psychiatric disorders. For boys, their histories typically inclu
ded physical abuse during childhood, physical assault on the street and ele
vated rates of externalizing disorders. For girls, histories were more ofte
n marked by sexual abuse during childhood, sexual victimization on the stre
ets. and elevated rates of internalizing disorders, implications of these r
esults for service delivery are discussed.