To determine if prophylactic etodolac would significantly reduce postendodo
ntic pain, when compared with ibuprofen or placebo, 36 patients consented t
o single blind oral administration of either 400 mg of etodolac, 600 mg of
ibuprofen, or a placebo, before conventional one-appointment root canal the
rapy. Patient-reported visual analog scale ratings of pain intensity were c
onducted upon initial clinical presentation, immediately postoperative, 4,
8, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h after initiation of root canal therapy. Results sho
wed that prophylactic ibuprofen administration significantly reduced posten
dodontic pain at 4 and 8 h after initiation of root canal therapy, when com
pared with etodolac and a placebo. Patients with a periapical diagnosis of
acute apical periodontitis or with a Phoenix abscess showed a significant i
ncreased need for additional medication after completion of root canal ther
apy, compared with all other periapical diagnoses.