To examine the roles of executive control and automatic activation in task
switching, we manipulated foreknowledge as well as task transitions. In Exp
eriments 1 and 2, performance with foreknowledge was faster than performanc
e with no foreknowledge, but the amount of switch cost did not depend on fo
reknowledge. This result suggests that switch costs primarily reflect persi
sting activation rather than inadequate preparation. In Experiment 3, switc
h cost was greater with foreknowledge about task transition alone than with
foreknowledge about both task transition and identity, suggesting that for
eknowledge about specific task identity did allow preparation for a switche
d task. We argue that task repetition and foreknowledge effects are indepen
dent. Although foreknowledge allows preparation for both repeated and switc
hed tasks, repeating the same task has benefits over task switching regardl
ess of foreknowledge.