The purpose of this study was to introduce a new robotic system for microsu
rgical procedures of the eye, ear, brain, face, and hand. The design and ma
in features of the Robot Assisted MicroSurgery (RAMS) work station are desc
ribed. In addition, compatibility with the operating-room table is assessed
The engineering components of the RAMS work station consist of a laptop com
puter, a joystick, a mouse, slave robot, VME and amplifier chassis, and saf
ety control box. The mechanical part of the RAMS, the slave robot, is desig
ned to simulate movements of the human upper extremity, which has Five join
ts and six degrees of motion. The robot has a zero backlash in five joints,
and can sustain full extension of loads over three pounds. The arm measure
s 2.5 cm in diameter, and it is 34.6 cm long from its base to its tip. The
arm and its base weigh 2.5 kg. Motors and encoders on the robot are easily
removable, allowing for the arm to be sterilized in an autoclave. Assessmen
t of robotic positioning, time for setup, relative precision, and possible
problems in the operating field are compared with human-assisted microsurgi
cal procedures,
Robotic arm positioning on the operating-room table differs for each type o
f procedure. For those involving the hand and upper extremity, the robotic
arm base occupies 35 percent of the operating table; this is only 10 to 15
percent for human-assisted procedures. The setup time for robot-assisted pr
ocedures is longer than for human-assisted surgery. However, microsurgical
manipulations with the RAMS are more rapid than the surgeon's motions. Ther
efore, depending on the type of procedure, the total operating time is comp
arable to human-assisted procedures. The movement of the RAMS was found to
be more precise, in attempting to perform vascular and neural anastomoses.
The authors conclude that concurrent use of the remote-controlled RAMS as a
microsurgical assistant is applicable in microsurgery, with the advantages
of greater precision and more rapid microsurgical manipulation. However, t
he long-term cost effectiveness of using this system as an assistant in mic
rosurgery warrants further investigation.