The rate of evolutionary change associated with a character determines its
utility for the reconstruction of phylogenetic history. For a given age of
lineage splits, we examine the information content of a character to assess
the magnitude and range of an optimal rate of substitution. On the one han
d an optimal transition rate must provide sufficiently many character chang
es to distinguish subclades, whereas on the other hand changes must be suff
iciently rare that reversals on a single branch (and hence homoplasy) are u
ncommon. In this study, we evolve binary characters over three tree topolog
ies with fixed branch lengths, while varying transition rate as a parameter
. We use the character state distribution obtained to measure the "informat
ion content" of a character given a transition rate. This is done with resp
ect to several criteria-the probability of obtaining the correct tree using
parsimony, the probability of infering the correct ancestral state, and Sh
annon-Weaver and Fisher information measures on the configuration of probab
ility distributions. All of the information measures suggest the intuitive
result of the existence of optimal rates for phylogeny reconstruction. This
nonzero optimum is less pronounced if one conditions on there having been
a change, in which case the parsimony-based results of minimum change being
the most informative tends to hold. (C) 2000 Academic Press.