Holotypes of the type species of the genera of sequestrate Russulales (Arca
ngeliella, Cystangium, Elasmomyces, Gymnomyces, Macowanites, Martellia, and
Zelleromyces) were studied. Characters used to define genera were re-exami
ned and several were found to be of little or no use at the generic level.
The structure of the peridiopellis proved to be more stable than other char
acters used previously to define genera in the sequestrate Russulales. Prop
osed realignments include (i) merging Martellia into Gymnomyces, (ii) mergi
ng Elasmomyces into Macowanites, and (iii) redefining the boundaries of Gym
nomyces and Cystangium.