The temporal precision with which EPSPs initiate action potentials in posts
ynaptic cells determines how activity spreads in neuronal networks. We foun
d that small EPSPs evoked from just subthreshold potentials initiated firin
g with short latencies in most CA1 hippocampal inhibitory cells, while acti
on potential timing in pyramidal cells was more variable due to plateau pot
entials that amplified and prolonged EPSPs. Action potential timing apparen
tly depends on the balance of subthreshold intrinsic currents. In interneur
ons, outward currents dominate responses to somatically injected EPSP wavef
orms, while inward currents are larger than outward currents close to thres
hold in pyramidal cells. Suppressing outward potassium currents increases t
he variability in latency of synaptically induced firing in interneurons. T
hese differences in precision of EPSP-spike coupling in inhibitory and pyra
midal cells will enhance inhibitory control of the spread of excitation in
the hippocampus.