We report an unusual tumor related to the meninges designated as a calcifyi
ng fibroma of the meninges. Our patient was a 44-year-old man. The tumor wa
s located in the right frontotemporoparieta1 region and was excised totally
via a right frontotemporoparieta1 craniotomy. The patient had recovered co
mpletely, and no recurrence was observed in a follow-up period of three yea
rs. Histopathologically, we noted scattered spindle cells among the hyalini
zed collagenous stroma, dystrophic-psammomatous calcifications, abundant pe
rivascular hyalinization and cartilagenous metaplasia. Immunohistochemicall
y, the tumor cells showed actin, smooth muscle and vimentin immunoreactivit
ies. Ultrastructurally, spindle cells showed fibroblastic features.
The lesion is a true tumor and it should be kept in mind in the differentia
l diagnoss of meningeal calcifying lesions.