Contrast sensitivity is lower for obliquely oriented achromatic gratings th
an for vertical or horizontal gratings at high spatial and low temporal fre
quencies. Although this response is suggestive of mediation by P-pathway co
rtical correlates, no dear sensory (ie class 1) oblique effect has been dem
onstrated with isoluminant chromatic stimuli. In the present experiment, a
two-alternative forced-choice detection task was used to measure observers'
sensitivity to spatiotemporal sinusoids varying in orientation and color c
ontrast. A maximum-likelihood method fit ellipses to the thresholds, with t
he length of each ellipse taken as a measure of chromatic contrast sensitiv
ity at isoluminance, and the width as luminance contrast threshold. A chrom
atic oblique effect was observed at about 3 cycles deg(-1) suggesting an or
ientation bias within the cortical stream conveying P-cell activity.