A set of anisotropic elastic constants is said to be structurally invariant
if, under an orthogonal transformation of the coordinate system, the zero
elements remain zero and certain relations between the elements are preserv
ed. The elastic constants of an isotropic elastic material are structurally
invariant under any orthogonal transformation. In fact they are invariants
. We will show that they are not the only ones that are structurally invari
ant for a three-dimensional transformation. For a two-dimensional transform
ation for which the coordinate system is rotated about the x(3)-axis by an
angle, we show that there are eleven structural invariants. Monoclinic mate
rials with the symmetry plane at x(3) = 0 have three structural invariants
while transversely isotropic elastic materials with the x(3)-axis as the ax
is of symmetry have seven structural invariants. The results are useful in
analysing layered composites such as layered plates or shells for which eac
h layer is of the same material but the layers are rotated with respect to
each other by an angle. It is also useful for a continuously twisted struct
urally chiral medium.