The structural requirements for assembly of functional class II transfer RN
A core regions have been examined by sequence analysis and tested by recons
truction of alternative folds into the tertiary domain of Escherichia coli
tRNA(2)(Gln). At least four distinct designs have been identified that perm
it stable folding and efficient synthetase recognition, as assessed by ther
mal melting profiles and glutaminylation kinetics. Although most large vari
able-arm tRNAs found in nature possess an enlarged D-loop, lack of this fea
ture can be compensated for by insertion of nucleotides either 3' to the va
riable loop or within the short acceptor/D-stem connector region. Rare pyri
midines at nt 9 in the core region can be accommodated in the class II fram
ework, but only if specific nucleotides are present either in the D-loop or
3' to the variable arm. Glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase requires one or two unp
aired uridines 3' to the variable arm to efficiently aminoacylate several o
f the class II frameworks. Because there are no specific enzyme contacts in
the tRNA(Gln) core region, these data suggest that tRNA discrimination by
GlnRS depends in part on indirect readout of RNA sequence information.