Greenhouse pollinations determine whether early-acting inbreeding depressio
n is contributing to low levels of self-fertility in three Vaccinium specie
s: I myrtilloides Michaux, V. angustifolium Aiton, and V. corymbosum L. All
three species showed a significant reduction in self fruit set and in the
proportion of fertilized ovules that developed into mature seed in self com
pared to outcross fruit. Reductions were more severe in V. myrtilloides and
V. angustifolium than in V. corymbosum; however, early-acting inbreeding d
epression appeared to be the primary factor limiting self-fertility in all
three species. Evidence for early-acting inbreeding depression included the
presence and higher proportion of aborted ovules in self fruit than in out
cross fruit, a correlation between levels of self and outcross seed set, an
d pollen chase experiments demonstrating that self-pollen does fertilize th
e ovules. Self-fertility in the three species was probably influenced by le
vels of genetic load, ploidy level and outcrossing rates.