The gene trap approach is based on the integration of a gene trap vector in
to the genome. This can be done either by electroporation of a plasmid cons
truct or by infection with a viral vector. Commonly used viral gene trap ve
ctors have been shown to select for integrations near the 5' end of genes.
To date, no plasmid vector with a similar tendency has been reported. In th
is paper we describe a new plasmid vector, pKC199 beta geo. This vector con
tained a short splice acceptor fragment from the Hoxc9 gene, a full length
lacZ gene, including an ATG, and a reduced activity, mutant neomycin phosph
otransferase gene as a selectable marker. This vector enriched the populati
on of trapped genes in our gene trap screen for insertion events in the 5'
end of genes. In the two cases examined the beta -galactosidase activity pa
ttern accurately reflected the endogenous promotor activity.