Estimation of elastic constants in low simmetry anisotropic media is consid
ered a proper method to meet PDVSA's needs to structurally and stratigraphi
cally explore and exploit complex reservoirs mainly fractured reservoirs Ac
cordingly a study on seismic wave propagation in elastic media, and an esti
mation of variables correlated with subsoil lithology are performed. A kine
matic study is completed and new technologies to reduce anisotropy effects
of medium on seismic data were developed including ray tracers tomography s
peed analysis, and migration in transversely and orthorhombic isotropic med
ia. A modeling code in transversely media is generated, using an acoustic a
pproximation of elastic wave equation for the seismic migration and determi
nation of acquisition parameters in complex media. Development of sole code
to determine position of conversion points corrects using normal moveout,
migrates and compiles seismic data from converted waves (all in one stage),
considerably reduces multi-component data processing lime, and generates r
eliable seismic images to locate wells. Al present studies on current corre
lation between fracture parameters (orientation, density, presence and satu
ration of fluids, etc.) and behavior of amplitude variations with offset as
sociated to anisotropic parameters are performed.